Why you always bring me down
Making me feel like a fucking clown
Don’t know where I’m supposed to be
That’s a feeling that I feel endlessly
Why can’t you be happy with what you already have?
And don’t think about the things you could have had
There’s so much beauty in life
Sometimes you should think twice
There’s so much love everywhere
Here and there…
We’ve accomplished so much
And so many things as such
We’ve never dreamed of
We must not feel lost
We should enjoy life as much as we can
Cause tomorrow may never be there again
And sometimes even when we don’t feel very lucky
That’s because we suffer from short-term memory
Cause we are always luckier than someone else
And then we realize that, at the end, we are one of the luckiest people on earth
Escrevi este poema há umas semanas atrás, o primeiro escrito em inglês, e era assim que me sentia mas felizmente tudo se ultrapassou, e ficou 5 estrelas :)
Mel Ferreira
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